It's no big secret. Longtime readers, friends, and rival shoppers all know my preferred M.O. It takes some cojones, but it's oh-so-empowering to utter the phrase: "What if I buy them all?"
Last weekend, at the DC Big Flea, I wore out the phrase! FOUR TIMES, I bought ALL of something a dealer was proferring.
The above photo is my ab-fab experience, especially since it's a two-fer on so many levels. Firstly, you may not have noticed, but those are mini type-tray organizers that Mr. Type (aka Typecrafter) repurposes from old type trays. He only had 5 left, and all were reasonably priced. And don't get me going on the baby shoes. That actually leads into my second M.O. tip, which I'll save for a later post. Suffice it to say that I bought them all.
Some deals, however, are just too good to pass up. A box of chippy corbels? Mine too.
And then—I don't know why—I espied all these hotel keys (to a semi-local hot-spot ski resort) from one of my favorite dealers. He had about 15 of them out, so I bit: how much for all of them? His response was $300! Turns out he had hundreds of them, but even I won't buy all of something that I'm not sure about.
Seriously, when you see a quantity of something goooood, buy them all, and don't be afraid to ask my patented question.
Awesome finds! Can you just pop one of those mini typesetters drawers in the mail to me right this very moment?! Love them!
Posted by: Cheryl | 22 September 2011 at 06:58 AM
Nice work VRS! I would have passed on the keys too, Blue Knob sounds a little nasty.
Posted by: One Gal's Trash | 22 September 2011 at 11:15 AM
FROM SUE: But, Pam, I DID buy all 15 that he had (creepy or not)!
Posted by: Sue | 22 September 2011 at 06:18 PM
I never just buy one of something!! I always have to buy all they have! Hahahaha!
Posted by: Theresa Smith | 10 October 2011 at 08:28 PM