Yesterday, my sister, her husband, and I hit a new barn sale! Woo hoo. Those 3 little words make me smile. One of the items I bought was this ho-hum twee mirror. It's one of those 3-panel mirrors, but the outside images just weren't doing it for me. BUT, the price was.
In anticipation of my new space and what I hope to establish as what buyers can expect from me, I made a 5-minute transformation:
Now it is DEFINITELY my style. In fact, I'm not sure I even want to sell it!
Much better! I also picked up a few other smalls, including the rocking Pepsi crate.
When I asked the seller whether the vintage bottles were included in the price, she said, "Why not? I already drank from them so have no use for them now?" My kind of dealer, not trying to nickel-and-dime you to death. And that weird thing on the far right? It's a nautical-themed decanter, that is also a music box. Hard to imagine there was much of a mass-market for that, huh?
Great finds and I love what you did with the mirror!
Posted by: Annette | 05 August 2012 at 05:06 PM
I beg to differ on the decanter. I LOVE items that have more than one purpose. Almost as much as I love items made by people with way too much time on their hands.
Miss you today!
Posted by: one gal's trash | 17 August 2012 at 09:18 PM